Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Seventh Meeting of Japanese Society of Chinese Poetic Art at Kyoritsu Women's University Tokyo: March 5, 2016

This is going to be a great event with academic presentation, music performance, and singing ancient poems.


日本漢詩文學會 第七回例会

〈日 時〉 平成二十八年三月五日(土曜日)午後一時より

〈会 場〉 共立女子大学 本館四〇三講義室(東京都千代田区一ツ橋二―二―一)


○楽曲演奏 (午後一時より)  未定                                        

○研究発表 ⅰ 『孟子』における舜――弟への対応を中心に  鈴木絢子(國士舘大学)ⅱ 朱子の教学と書院――江戸の学びへの影響   戸丸凌太(國士舘大学)
ⅲ 京都学習院の丁祭――幕末公家の孔子祭祀の一形態   橋本佐保(学習院大学史料館) 

ⅳ 塡詞独唱――李煜「虞美人」「浪淘沙令」    楊桂香(お茶の水女子大学)ⅴ 朱子の自警詩――流情の戒め          松野敏之(國士舘大学)

○報告  ⅵ 日中共同企画『漢詩名作集成』について――企画の経緯と執筆方針など   宇野直人(共立女子大学)

○懇親会 (午後五時より) 会場 〈新世界菜館〉

        千代田区神田神保町二―二  (電話 〇三―三二六一―四九五七)

Friday, February 19, 2016

Special Spring Exhibition of Obaku Patriarchal Portraits at Manpukuji, Kyoto: April 20-May 31

◇同時開催・・・仏教書フェア 京都報音舎協賛
受付は三門にて 別途、萬福寺入山料(大人500円が必要となります)

Monday, February 15, 2016

Chinese New Year Greeting Card from the Tokugawa Family

I am glad to receive a greeting card from Tokugawa Narimasa德川斉正 and Tokugawa Maki 德川真木, who are the fifteenth generation lineage holders of the Mito Tokugawa family. I met the couple in a conference on Obaku sect in Taibei in Dec. 2015. They are running a Tokugawa museum and are dedicated to the studies of Chinese monks in Japan. The picture in the card is a painting by Chinese monk Donggao Xinyue 東皋心越 about Mount Fuji 富士山 at Tokugawa Museum.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Tanaka Ryohei 田中良平 Etching of Manpukuji at Petrie Rogers Asian Fine Art and Antiques in Tucson

In Laurie and Waynor's collection at Petrie Rogers Asian Fine Art and Antiques in Tucson, there is indeed a work related to Manpukuji by contemporary Japanese artist Tanaka Ryokei. Little know about how the artist produced this work and his connection with Manpukuji. Laurie said he lives in Kyoto, then it makes sense that he went to Manpukuji often. Maybe people who know Manpukuji well can tell from where the artist made the sketch. The artwork is on sale in the gallery.

Japanese Ltd Ed. Etching Tanaka Ryohei Manpukuji Temple
item#: 1138500
price: $275.00
Japanese limited edition copperplate etching titled “Manpukuji Temple” by Tanaka Ryohei 田中良平 (b. 1933). Pencil-signed, dated 2002, and numbered 11/150 in the lower margin. Paper size about 12"V x 10 1/4"H (image: 8"V x 6 1/2"H). Excellent condition.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Japanese Woodblock Prints at Petrie Rogers Asian Fine Art and Antiques

Petrie Rogers Asian Fine Art and Antiques

I am so glad to meet Laurie and Waynor in their beautiful galley last week. They are very knowledgeable in Asian Art and specialized in collectibles in Arizona. Laurie is also a Harvard Alumni and a graduate from Arizona State University. She used to work for An Wang (Chinese: 王安) and has interesting stories to tell. Their gallery is specialized in Japanese woodblock prints. Here is a short introduction to their business I took from their website.

Established in Arizona in 1987, the Petrie-Rogers Gallery provides collectors with a wide variety of authentic antiques and fine quality works of art from China, Japan and Korea. Included is an extensive selection of Japanese woodblock prints dating from the 18th century to the present. Our merchandise has been acquired mainly from local estates and private collections and is fresh to the market. We purchase from retired World War II veterans and individuals who lived or traveled in Asia during the early to mid-20th century. We have special expertise in Japanese woodblock prints and in Chinese and Japanese porcelain and cloisonne.

Laurie Petrie Rogers has been involved in the field of Asian Studies since the 1970s and holds a Master of Arts degree from Harvard University. She is fluent in Mandarin Chinese and well versed in written Japanese. In the early 1980s, Laurie resided in Asia where she marketed computers for Wang Laboratories. While operating the gallery, Laurie also spent ten years teaching Chinese and Japanese history at Pima Community College in Tucson and at Arizona State University. Laurie has lectured on numerous occasions at the Phoenix Art Museum, San Diego Museum of Art, and Arizona State University. She co-edited "Carl Schraubstadter and Japanese Prints: The Robert Louis Mueller Family Collection," published by the Herberger College of the Arts, Arizona State University, 2007. In 2012 and 2013, Laurie consulted to the Denison College Art Museum on their Asian holdings. She was recently selected to be the Asian appraiser for the fall 2014 PBS TV series "Arizona Collectibles."

Waynor Rogers developed an interest in Japanese woodblock prints and cloisonne while serving with the Marine Corps in Asia. Since leaving the service, he has expanded his collection of Japanese cloisonne to include several hundred pieces representing the various forms and stages of production of the craft. A major exhibit of the collection at the Phoenix Art Museum was followed in 2009-2010 with a substantial donation to the museum's permanent collection. Waynor also specializes in prints by Western artists who made the perilous journey into Asia during the second half of the 19th century to study the traditional art forms in order to incorporate Asian aesthetics into their work. In 2014, a selection of prints by Western women artists was exhibited at the Arizona State University Art Museum. Waynor has lectured on several occasions at the Phoenix Art Museum, San Diego Museum of Art, and Arizona State University.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Itō Jakuchū 伊藤若冲 Exhibition at Yamatane Museum of Art, Tokyo


【特別展】伊藤若冲 生誕300年記念 ゆかいな若冲・めでたい大観 ―HAPPYな日本美術―

Glad to know through Dr. Yang Kuei Hsiang that there is another exhibition on Itō Jakuchū's 伊藤若冲 paintings in Tokyo. There are about 70 items by him and other painters on display. He was a great Edo period painter who had been influenced by the Chinese painting style, probably influenced by Chinese monks in Japan as well. He must have connections with Manpukuji. He painted Ingenmame which I have introduced in my previous post on Ingenmame 隠元豆 painted by Itō Jakuchū 伊藤若冲.

会期: 2016年1月3日(日)~3月6日(日)
※ 会期中、一部展示替えを行います。
会場: 山種美術館
主催: 山種美術館、朝日新聞社
開館時間: 午前10時~午後5時(入館は午後4時30分まで)
休館日: 月曜日(但し、1/4・1/11は開館、1/12は休館)
入館料: 一般1200円(1000円)・大高生900円(800円)・中学生以下無料
※( )内は20名以上の団体料金および前売料金。
※ 複数の割引の併用はできません。
主な出品作品: 1. 愛でたい、めでたい、HAPPYな日本美術 ―鶴亀・松竹梅・福神・聖地・吉祥―
伊藤若冲《布袋図》*、 《恵比寿図》*、 《群鶏図》*、 柴田是真《円窓鐘馗》、 狩野一信《布袋唐子図》*、 《七福神図》*、 河鍋暁斎《浦島太郎に鶴と亀》*、 《五月幟図》*、 竹内栖鳳《艸影帖・色紙十二ヶ月》のうち「鯛(一月)」、 横山大観・川合玉堂・川端龍子《松竹梅》、 横山大観《蓬莱山》、 《心神》、 下村観山《寿老》、 菱田春草《白牡丹》、 小林古径《鶴》
2. HAPPYになる絵画 ―笑い・ユーモア・幸せな情景―
伊藤若冲《河豚と蛙の相撲図》*、 《仔犬に箒図》*、 《伏見人形図》、 歌川国芳《両面相 だるま・げどふ、伊久・とくさかり》〔1/3~2/7展示〕*、 《白面笑壁のむだ書》〔1/3~2/7展示〕*、 《きん魚づくし ぼんぼん》〔2/9~3/6展示〕*、 《其まゝ地口猫飼好五十三疋》〔2/9~3/6展示〕*、 柴田是真《墨林筆哥》、 山口華楊《生》、 川﨑小虎《春の訪れ》
※ 「*」印は個人蔵、その他は山種美術館蔵